Hi everyone,
We have now
completed all of our school visits – it has been a busy six months and in
particular the last 6 weeks have been very hectic and it has all gone so
Saran's wife, Santi, with their son Sohan. |
finally sorted out his visa and paid the fine for not getting it renewed on
time (in some part due to it being a public holiday!), Andy made his way back
to Bhalebas and was met by Saran on his bike, who rode him, heavily laden up to
the village where he met up with Rob again who had been teaching that day in
the school.
We spent the
evening down at BJ’s small bar / cafĂ© opposite the school and had a couple of
drinks and snacks before returning home to Saran’s home for an enormous Dahl
Andy's leaf art! |
We had a good
day the next day making boxes, doing our leaf art, some PE and various other
lessons with the children before a leaving ceremony was held for us and the
teachers presented us with some very smart looking waistcoats made out of the
traditional Palpa Dhaka material. The schools have all been so generous with
the gifts they have given us and Bhalebas, particularly was very hard to say
goodbye to. The teachers also put some food on for us and it was a really nice
send off.
With our new waistcoats, a gift from Bhalebas school. |
We only had
one night in Tansen though before making the short journey on the bus to Dumre.
Boys at Dumre enjoying their art lesson |
This was also
the time of the annual fair in Tansen and there was a lot of excitement around
this. The whole of Tundikhel, the big flat sports ground that perches on the
edge of the hill, was covered with marquees, various stalls selling anything
and everything and lots of different fair ground rides. The most exciting part
of the fair was the arrival of a helicopter from Pokhara. This helicopter is
usually used for tourist flights to see the Himalayas but it was down in Tansen
for a couple of days. We decided that it would be a nice idea to treat our
homestay family to a flight in the helicopter. We got confirmation that the
flight was on that morning on the bus down and phoned up and told Dhani who
broke the news to Abhi and Deepa. They phoned back a few minutes later
screaming with excitement. It was a really lovely moment!
A nice bit of colour to add to the classroom. |
We taught for
the day at Dumre but actually returned that evening to Tansen as we had more
materials to bring the next day. We again did lots of exciting activities with
them; the boxes, handpainting, leaf art, measurement of different jumps and
lots of PE lessons too. It was a really great visit to the school and the
teachers took a real interest in what we were doing.
Experimenting with phones! |
The Year 8
class at Dumre were busy preparing for their important upcoming exams and were
doing extra classes in the mornings and the evenings – working right up till
10pm at night and with a 6am start too. They did have some short breaks during
their day but not many but the teachers wanted them to be as prepared as
children from private schools and so the extra classes were needed.
On our final
night we stayed in the school and there was a short break for the children as
they threw a rather impromptu and quite strange dance party in one of the
classrooms. It did feel rather odd to be dancing around in a classroom at that
time of night.
We slept in
the library along with two other teachers. It was not the most comfortable of
nights but we only had a short morning (as it was Friday) to teach the next
morning before saying our final goodbyes and heading back to Tansen.
In the
afternoon we went down to the fair with Abhi and Deepa and had a go on some of
the rides. It has to be said that the rides are a lot scarier when you have
very real concerns about health and safety standards. On the Pirate ship there
were people clinging onto the back railing not in a seat at all and no-one
seemed to bat an eyelid!
In the nursery at Dumre. |
PE lesson. |
With their posters after learning about the colours of the rainbow. |
With the family before our helicopter ride. |
A perfect day with clear views of the Himalayas. |
The next
morning we were up early and we headed down to Tundikhel where the helicopter
was taking off from, with the Bashayal family. Janaki, Abhi and Deepa had never
been up in the air before. Dhani had initially said there was no need to get
him a ticket but eventually we had persuaded him to go too. He had been on a
plane before but perhaps looked more nervous than anyone else. Abhi, in
particular was very excited by it all. In typical Nepali style we had a long
wait but eventually it came round to our turn. It was only a four seater
helicopter (including the pilot) and so we split it so that Andy, Abhi and
Janaki went up on the first flight and Rob was joined by Deepa and Dhani on the
second flight.
Abhi shouted out that it was the best moment of his life! Amazing! |
Despite being
short the flight was simply awesome! It took us right over Tansen and down
towards Rani Mahal where we had trekked previously. It was the perfect day for
it with clear blue skies. The scenery, with the hills and the Himalaya’s off in
the distance, crisp and white, was stunning. As we were coming into land Abhi
shouted out “This is the best part of my life!” which was fantastic to hear and
we both felt more excited for the others taking the flight than we did
ourselves. For the next few days it was a big topic of conversation – it really
was a memorable experience for all.
In the
afternoon we went back to the fair, with Abhi and Deepa, and went on some of
the rides. One attraction in particular caught our eye. There was a huge round
bowl and stuntmen and women were riding motorbikes and cars round the edge with
no hands and doing all kinds of tricks. It was amazing to see and probably not
something you’d ever see in England given our more stringent health and safety
The following
day we returned, this time with Biju, Kamala and Sushmi, our friends from
Tansen. We had another good day just wandering around. We even had the dubious
honour of seeing the ‘Indian Idol’ perform, though we didn’t stick around too
long for that!
Finally doing some teaching at Pipal Danda. |
Happily we
did get one day at Pipal Danda school and it was really great to visit for
teaching rather than to discuss building work. It was however great to see that
they had made some kind of a start to the toilet block so hopefully they
shouldn’t all have to share for too much longer! We had a really good day at
Pipal Danda and after all of the tough times there it was great to end things
on a positive note. We have now finished our teaching programme now as we are
next heading out to Bardia National Park out in the far West. The time has gone
so quickly but we do feel we have made a positive impact in the schools and
they are all looking forward to the next Manisha UK volunteers coming out next
Autumn. It is sad knowing time is now running out and we won’t be working in
the schools again as they are now preparing for their important exams.
We'll leave you for now with a few more pictures from the fair and our days teaching at Pipal Danda.
Best wishes.
Andy &
The fair attracted big crowds and there was a lot of excitement in Tansen. |
The Pirate Ship - the boys you can see aren't actually sat down. They are stood at the back with nothing keeping them in. |
The lady was doing this with no hands and taking money off the people above. Cars also went round! |
Rob and Deepa on one of the more vomit inducing rides!! |
Hokey Cokey at Pipal Danda |
Focussed on her cutting! |
Waving goodbye to our last set of pupils - very sad. |
With the teachers at Pipal Danda and hopefully a fresh start. |
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